The Minds of Tomorrow Method to empower your kids to shape their future
The Minds of Tomorrow Method to empower your kids to shape their future
We grow your kids to be the creators of tomorrow.
In face of an unparalleled pace of change, we want to empower children to develop their creative mindset and be shapers, not followers.
At Minds of Tomorrow, we define the creative mindset as a blend of four key abilities.
The Minds of Tomorrow Method to empower your kids to shape their future.
"We expose kids to the creative power of world-class education technologies".
—Liz, fundadora de Little Comets Academy
Discover the four creative abilities.
Each ability is a set of creative skills. We embed a mix of these abilities and skills in all our activities.
Critical Thinking. Questions and asks 'why.'
Sense of Feasibility. Acts on the basis of what’s possible.
Deductive Reasoning. Forms concepts and then specifics.
Experiment & Learn. Tests to learn and improve.
Systemic Thinking. Connects the dots.
Sense of Abstraction. Extracts relevant, important information.
Algorithmic Reasoning. Defines clear steps to solve problems.
Decompose & Deconstruct. Breaks down problems.
Idealistic Thinking. Strives for perfection.
Empathy. Meets people's needs.
Inductive Reasoning. Finds inspiration in anecdotes.
Taste & Style. Has a sense for form and aesthetics.
Opportunity Thinking. Spots chances to create something new.
Sense of Viability. Perceives positive impact & gain.
Adaptive Reasoning. Deviates from planned trajectory to adjust.
Resilience & Endurance. Keeps going & recovers from missteps.