Education designed to empower
the Next Generation.
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At Minds of Tomorrow, we believe that every child has the potential to be a creator and innovator.
Our Creative Tech programs for kids ages 3 to 12 are designed to ignite their natural curiosity and creativity through hands-on activities in coding, robotics, engineering, and design.
By combining fun with learning, we empower children to gain ownership and mastery over their creative mindset, preparing them for a tech-driven future.
After launching these programs in 2020, we expand the reach to more families by licensing opportunities in US and international markets.
Minds of Tomorrow Creative Tech Programs.
We lead children to become the creators of tomorrow.
In face of an unparalleled pace of change, we want to empower children to develop their creative mindset and be shapers, not followers.
At Minds of Tomorrow, we define the creative mindset as a blend of four key abilities: Computational Ability, Engineering Ability, Design Ability and Entrepreneurial Ability.

Find our programs in a school near you.
Our Programs:
Designed with one goal in mind: to help our 4 to 12 year-old kids gain ownership and mastery over their creative mindset.
Full school year weekly programs in coding, robotics, engineering, and design.
Programs adapted to children age and area of interest.
When school is out, day camps are in!
Day or Week-long hands-on and fun experiences when kids are out of school.
The Creative Tech activities are designed as a full-day or half-day options.
Day Camps can be offered throughout the year, adapted to local holidays, planning days or summer vacations.
Special events content to offer a variety of exciting options, including:
unforgettable birthday parties
personalized 1-on-1 sessions
engaging STEAM nights.
Partnering with world class creative technologies.
“A study by MIT Media Lab found that children who participate in coding programs exhibit higher levels of creativity and academic performance. Give your child the gift of creativity and technological proficiency with our Creative Tech programs.”

Learn more about our programs.
Technology can be
a powerful tool for learning
At Minds of Tomorrow, a technology-based enrichment company, our mission is to support parents in nurturing their children's growth, helping them become the creators of tomorrow.
More than 500 activities
designed by creators
Our activities are a blend of coding, design, robotics and entrepreneurship,
designed to nurture the kid’s Creative Mindset.